Coaching Philosophy
- A Coach’s Job.
To design and provide the instruction and support for each individual to achieve success. The instruction, support, and definition of success looks different for each athlete. When the athlete succeeds, all credit to them. Should they fail, all blame to the coach.
- Growth Equation
Stress + Rest + Preparation = Growth
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- Input Shapes Output
What you put in is what you get out- both physical and mental.
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- Minimum Effective Dose
What is the least amount of training that we can do to get maximum performance? On a never-ending question to find this fine line which is unique for each athlete.
- Principles of Athletic Success
Have a Purpose.
Follow a Plan.
Give Effort.
Be Consistent.
Display Adaptability.
Be Prepared.
Embrace Challenges.
Input Shapes Output.
No Limits.
Support System.
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- The Training Plan should fit into your Life, not your Life into the Plan.
Athletes are People first and Athletes second.
- Training Principles
Overload and Recovery
Systematic Approach
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- The Mundanity of Excellence
“Excellence is mundane. Excellence is accomplished through the doing of actions, ordinary in themselves, performed consistently and carefully, habitualized, compounded together, added up over time.”
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- Practice Habits lead to Competition Habits lead to Competition Results.
We never rise to the occasion, we either rise or fall to our level of training/preparation for that moment in time. Your level of achievement will always match your level of training and preparation. Again, preparation can be just as much mental as it is physical. Overprepare and then Go with the Flow.
- Begin with the End in Mind.
Figure out what you want. What vision/version of you do you want for the future? What is your desired Outcome? Clarity is key. More clarity you have with this, the easier it is to blueprint. This is the bedrock on which your future is built. My preferred Goal-Setting template can be found here.
- E+R=O
Event + Response determines the Outcome. This has been called the success equation. An Event happens in our life and our Response to it determines the Outcome. We have no control over the Event but what we do control is our Response which then influences the Outcome. That Outcome then becomes the next Event that we must Respond to. This equation continually builds on itself so that it plays out in both the microscopic and macroscopic view of our lives to ultimately determine our success and happiness. The bigger the desired Outcome, the more difficult and longer it will take to give the required Response.